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Let's talk about air conditioning cleaning

Karol Filarski, Dział Wyposażenia Warsztatów Autos

While refilling the refrigerant requires more expense in the form of servicing with an air conditioning station, taking care of the health in the car and regular fungus removal of the ventilation ducts and the evaporator is much simpler and cheaper. How to do it? We have several ways to do this.

Air conditioning cleaning preparations Techniq air conditioning cleaner (A: 298811)

Manufacturers of air conditioning systems recommend that the fungus removal procedure be carried out regularly every six months, which will prevent the system from "running". Have you come across the fact that when you turned on the air conditioning in your vehicle for the first time in the spring, an unpleasant smell appeared? This is the effect of improper care of this system. In order to avoid "filtering" the air with the evaporator, on which new forms of life in the form of mold, fungus or other microorganisms are created, we can use the right chemistry. In our network you will find a perfect preparation for this purpose, which is used to clean air conditioning. This solution offered by the Techniq brand (A: 298811) is ideal for the driver or owner of a very small fleet, for a single application.

How to clean air conditioning with a large fleet of vehicles?

However, if we are talking about a workshop that regularly services air conditioning, or the owner of a larger car fleet, it is worth considering the purchase of a device for professional air conditioning decontamination, the so-called OZONATOR. Its task is to produce a gas consisting of triatomic oxygen molecules. This gas has been recognized as one of the most powerful natural oxidants. Thanks to its antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral properties, it attacks and effectively destroys harmful microorganisms when dispersed.

The very effectiveness of ozone is confirmed by using it in modern swimming pool installations to maintain proper water quality, or to disinfect operating rooms in hospitals.

What to ozonize?

The Autos offer includes several proven ozonation devices . The difference between them is primarily the amount of ozone produced expressed in grams / milligrams per 1 hour of operation of the device. This is important when choosing the right device for the vehicles that we are going to ozonise.

Indication of the amount of ozone in relation to the vehicle:

500 mg/h - passenger cars

1000-4000 mg/h - passenger/truck

8,000 - 20,000 mg/h - buses/indoors


  • OZONE is harmful to our health, so after cleaning the cabin, we should ventilate it well and only use the vehicle.
  • The ozonator does not require any chemistry - it works when connected to electricity.
  • Caution is recommended when ozonizing vehicles with leather upholstery (especially high-power ozonators).

Ask about the offer of ozonators in your Autos store.