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Purchase of an air conditioning service station - is it worth it?

Leszek Marcinkowski, Dział Wyposażenia Warsztatów

Warm, sunny days are approaching. With their arrival, the annual reflection on the subject of self-service and repair of air conditioning systems in cars returns.

Many of the mechanics use the services of external companies that provide their services mobile or stationary. When the first heat wave appears, unfortunately, the waiting time for repair is often very long. This situation makes you think about buying your own air conditioning service station. In the following text, I will try to convince readers, based on frequently repeated arguments, that starting work with an air conditioning station is no "problem", and gaining knowledge about the operation of the A/C system and its repair is much easier with a partner like Autos.

MYTH 1 "Working on air conditioning systems requires a lot of knowledge"

True and untrue at the same time. If you want to be an outstanding expert in the diagnosis and repair of air conditioning, you need to have a lot of knowledge and experience, but for the basic service of efficient air conditioning systems, it is enough - an automatic air conditioning station and 2 minutes of mechanic time.

Diagnosing faults, such as leaks in the system, can be a challenge. Checking the air-conditioning tightness, to put it simply, is similar to checking the tightness of the pneumatics of a truck - we load and look for, and then patch leaks or replace damaged elements. If we master the simple steps described above, we can deal with the vast majority of air conditioning failures.

Of course, we can always supplement our knowledge by taking advantage of training courses conducted by Autos, both on-line and stationary. You can find all information on this subject on our website, or subscribe to the newsletter and thus receive up-to-date information about training by e-mail.

If, nevertheless, in some special cases it is difficult for your mechanic to diagnose the fault, you can contact our technical advisors who will be happy to help solve the problem.

Our clients can count not only on all-day courses on both station operation and air conditioning operating principles , but also preparing for obtaining qualifications such as f-gas certificates or UDT personal certificates.

MYTH 2 "I don't have the time and money for the required training and factor writing"

I guarantee that you will save time and money by operating your air conditioning yourself much more than the outlay. When it comes to writing down the factor, keeping records requires only a bit of regularity and the ability to add and subtract. The independence gained will be invaluable.

MYTH 3 "A machine for servicing air conditioning systems is very expensive to operate and sensitive to damage"

Operating costs are usually limited to periodic inspections. Their intensity depends indirectly on the number of serviced cars. The purchase of the station can be amortized after even 30-35 serviced vehicles. This shows that it is a really good investment. As for the durability of the stations - these are devices adapted to work in the workshop, they have protections, e.g. refrigerant scales in the form of blockades or cushioning of the platform, which allows you not to worry about damage.

MYTH 4 "I rarely have problems with air conditioning systems - I don't need the machine"

Fixing bugs isn't everything. The air conditioning system requires periodic service. Such a review should be performed annually, but not less frequently than every 2 years. What is the point of taking any action if the system is hermetic and works? Well, the airtightness of the air conditioning system in the car is a bit different from our imagination. The refrigerant still escapes from the system to a small extent (several to several percent per year) through seals, connections and rubber ducts. Its periodic regeneration and replenishment guarantees the correct operation of the air conditioning and significantly extends the trouble-free operation of the A/C system in the car.

Another problem is moisture getting inside the system. We can remove moisture very effectively. It is enough to create and maintain a negative pressure inside the system for several dozen minutes. This process is called vacuum drying and any air conditioning station will do it.

I hope that the above explanations have shed a slightly different light on the subject of servicing air conditioning systems in cars.

The degree of difficulty of the actions taken really depends only on how deep we want to go into the subject. Most of the tasks that await a novice air conditioning service technician are very simple activities. Good equipment will certainly make it easier.

In the Autos network, you can buy all the equipment necessary to start your adventure with servicing air conditioning systems. Starting from reliable and easy-to-use stations of brands such as SUN or SYBERIA , through consumables, to repair and diagnostic kits. For more information, please contact your nearest Autos branch. Specialists from the Garage Equipment Department will be happy to help you choose the right solutions and provide professional after-sales service.

For more information, please contact your nearest Autos branch. Specialists from the Garage Equipment Department will be happy to help you choose the right solutions and provide professional after-sales service.

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