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Adam Klimek trained Autos customers

Constantly improving your competences is extremely important, especially in the automotive industry. We like to give opportunities for development.

Therefore, together with the leader in the refrigeration and air conditioning industry, the Nissens brand , we organized a training related to the replacement of the compressor and the advantages of flushing the air conditioning system. The meeting, dedicated mainly to mechanics, was hosted by Adam Klimek , known from TVN Turbo programs such as "Duda versus Klimek" or "Dream Car". He explained to the participants what these two functions have in common and how this will improve system performance and lifetime.

Taking advantage of the fact that so many specialists dealing with vehicle servicing gathered in one place, the Garage Equipment Department presented the wide range that Autos has in this area. Among the presented products appeared, among others. air-conditioning service stations and Techniq workshop chemicals, including preparations for its cleaning.