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Customers in Puławy keep with Autos

Every opportunity to meet is good. Autos branches also follow this assumption and therefore they meet with their clients not only during work. This time, at the end of August , the branch in Puławy invited customers for free training and an evening full of attractions.

Customers are important to us and we want to show them this not only at work, but also by meeting them in more casual situations - says Jarosław Janaszek, head of the Autos branch in Puławy. This is how the initiative to organize the meeting was born. The training was free and all invited guests could participate in it. Another element of the meeting was the time for attractions and feasting together. Customers had the opportunity to test their reactions in a rollover simulator and show their physical condition in a competition called "Maj 3 with Autos". Seemingly trivial to stay on the bar turned out to be quite a challenge. There were prizes for the most persistent.