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May meetings with Autos

The month of May was full of regional meetings with our clients.

A team of employees from Piotrków Trybunalski decided to hold an Open Day in their branch. Customers who shopped on that day could count not only on standard professional service, but also on direct meetings with suppliers, competitions, special prices, all accompanied by a tasty barbecue and games at the table football.

We could not miss the Feast of Carriers in Stary Lubiejewo. Despite the rainy weather, the Autos stand was traditionally besieged by visitors and industry talks lasted until late in the evening, which was graced by the Polish singer and theater and musical actor Michał Milowicz.

The last weekend of May belonged to truck lovers. Over 300 trucks, which resembled real works of art, arrived at the concert field in Nowy Staw. Historical themes and characters from fairy tales appeared, and still others delighted with additional lighting. Autos, as one of the sponsors, funded a prize in the lottery and at its stand presented its wide offer and provided advice to interested parties.