Over 30 years on the market

107 shops in 3 countries

Delivery 24h

Producer Waeco

WAECO is currently a leader in air conditioning technology for the automotive industry.

This company maintains the highest quality standards, which allows it to offer the best products on the market.

Parts to:Trucks, trailers, semi-trailers
Workshop equipment
Workshop equipment




Autos and Waeco advise on how to choose the right portable fridge

How to choose the right portable refrigerator? What needs should it meet? We will try to answer these and other questions in this article and forever dispel doubts about choosing the right equipment. g.



Checking the tightness of the air conditioning system - an absolute must

The utopian vision of service-free air-conditioning systems has long been overthrown. Air conditioning mechanics these days accept the loss of refrigerant in virtually any system. g.
