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AKUMULATOR 12V 120AH/1000A JCB 729/10642

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Nr Autos 0247874
Manufacturer no 729/10642
Producer JCB
Product description
BATTERY 12V, 120AH/1000A, 325*170*237MM, "L+" CENTRAL POLES, JCB 1CX 3CX[T2/T3/T4i/T4F/STV] 4CX[T2/T3/T4i/T4F/STV] 5CX[T2/T3/T4i/T4F/STV], 48Z-1 50Z-1 51R-1 55Z-1 57C-1 65R-1 67C-1 85Z-1 86C-1, 131X 140X 150X 210X 220X 245XR 300X, HYDRADIG 110W 150W, 406 407 409, 505-20 506-23/36 507-42 508-66 509-42 510-42/55/56 512-56/83 513-83 514-56 524-50 525-60 526-56 527-55 527-58 530-60 531-70 533-105 535-95/125/140 536-60/70 540-140/170/180/200 541-70 550-80/140/170 555-210/260 558-210/260