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BRAKE DRUM Bosch 0.986.477.297

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Nr Autos 0430689
Manufacturer no 0.986.477.297
Producer Bosch
Product description
BĘBEN HAMULCOWY TOYOTA; Fortuner; Hilux; Hilux Vigo; Fortuner 2.4 Diesel Turbo 07.2015 - ; Fortuner 2.4 Diesel Turbo 4x4 07.2015 - ; Fortuner 2.5 Diesel 06.2005 - ; Fortuner 2.7 06.2005 - 12.2011; Fortuner 2.7 07.2015 - ; Fortuner 2.7 4x4 06.2004 - 08.2011; Fortuner 2.7 4x4 12.2015 - ; Fortuner 2.7i 06.2005
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Vehicle applications