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Nr Autos 0299244
Manufacturer no D155A0
Producer TEXA
Product description

TEXA Navigator TXT/CX4 MULTIHUB diagnostic tester

TXT MULTIHUB, an extremely versatile diagnostic interface that easily adapts to the expectations of workshops and makes its use quick and intuitive in any situation.

The technologically advanced device is rich in unique technical and design features , such as: the ability to operate 5 different vehicle environments, the presence of an integrated display, a durable structure with an IP53 certificate, intelligent connectivity provided by the Linux operating system, support for CAN, CAN FD, DoIP protocols, Pass-Thru and much, much more.

TXT MULTIHUB is the only diagnostic tool capable of simultaneous service of cars, trucks, delivery vans, motorcycles, boats, agricultural and construction machinery.

It provides unrivaled performance at all times to ensure the best possible repair process with maximum customer satisfaction.