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Nr Autos 0784171
Manufacturer no X30HEADX1
Producer Philips
Product description

Lightweight Xperion 3000 headlamp

The lightweight Philips Xperion 3000 headlamp delivers bright, white light where you need it most. It has two pre-set light modes, reaching up to 300 lumens, and a comfortable adjustable headband, making it a versatile tool for everyday use. The Philips Xperion 3000 main light source emits a wide beam of white light, illuminating the entire area in front of the user. The light temperature of 6000 K is gentle on the eyes, which improves visual comfort and reduces eye fatigue, allowing you to work longer without discomfort. Additionally, the flashlight is equipped with a point lighting module with a brightness of 200 lumens, allowing you to precisely direct the light stream where it is most needed. The non-slip, flexible headband of the Philips Xperion 3000 flashlight ensures a stable and comfortable fit, and its adjustment allows you to easily adapt it to the user's needs.

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