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Nr Autos 0348939
Manufacturer no ACCFIMDX1
Producer Philips
Product description

Xperion 6000 Find My Device

With the Philips "Find My Device" accessory, you can use the remote control to trigger an audible alarm and flashing light to find your lost Xperion devices. The system operates within a radius of up to 10 meters. Upgrade your work lights with 'Find My Device', which makes it easy to recover lost work lights. Using the remote control, you can connect to the device and activate the buzzer and flashing light, allowing you to quickly locate the lamp. The "Find My Device" feature can be used on the Xperion 6000 Slim and Xperion 6000 Pillar by inserting the chip into the socket in the lamp housing. The Philips "Find My Device" accessory allows you to connect to multiple work lamps at the same time, making it easy to find your lost device quickly and efficiently.