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OIL FILTER Fleetguard HF6159

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Nr Autos 0214717
Manufacturer no HF6159
Producer Fleetguard
Product description
GEARBOX (TRANSMISSION) OIL FILTER, JCB 2CX[T2] 3CX[T0/T2/T3/T4i/T4F/STV] 4CX[T0/T2/T3/T4i/T4F/STV] 5CX [T2/T3/T4i/T4F/STV], 506 506-23/36 507-42 508 508-66 509-23/42 510-42/44/55/56 512-26/56 514-56 526-56 527-58 531-70 532-60/70 533-105 535-95/125/140 536-60/70/95 538-60/70 540-140/170/180/200 541-70 542-70 550-80/140/170 560-80, TM300 TM400