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Nr Autos 0169057
Manufacturer no TPLASMA 75
Producer Ideal
Product description

Plasma cutter Tecnoplasma 75 HF IGBT Digital AUTOS (TPLASMA 75)

The offered plasma cutter is used to cut various steels, including stainless steel as well as copper and brass, to a maximum thickness of 25 mm. The device is dedicated to 3x400V power supply, and it is controlled by the IGBT module. It enables precise regulation of the current and adapting it to the type of material being cut. Air pressure indicator as well as overload and short-circuit protection guarantee full safety of use, and the power of 8.5 kW - quick processing. The compressed air pressure is 4-5 bar with a compressed air capacity of 120 l / min.

Technical table

Power 3x400V
Power 8.5 kW
Compressed air pressure 4 - 5 bar
Cutting thickness (max) 25 mm
Compressed air capacity 120 l / min.
Device dimensions 425x185x305 mm
Weight of the device / kit 20 kg