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STEERING ROD Rota 2430909

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Nr Autos 0201307
Manufacturer no 2430909
Producer Rota
Product description
STEERING ROD COMPLETE LEFT (LH), ZF AXLE, M27x1.5 RHT (FROM KNUCKLE), M30x1.5 RHT (FROM CYLINDER), L-348MM, CAT M313C M313D M314 M314F M315 M315C M315D M315D2 M315F M315GC M316 M316C M316D M316F M317 M317D2 M317F M318 M318C M318D M318D-MH M318F M319 M320 M320D2 M320F M323F MH3022 VOLVO EW140C EW140D EW140E EW145B EW160C EW160D EW160E EW180C EW180D EW180E EWR150E, LIEBHERR A900, CASE CE WX148 WX168 WX188, HYUNDAI / DOOSAN
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