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Nr Autos 0837031
Manufacturer no 4133L054 GEN
Producer PERKINS
Product description
THERMOSTAT HOUSING (BASE), PERKINS AF AJ AK AM AR YG YH YJ YK ENGINE, CAT 3054B 3056 3056E ENGINE, JCB 3CX 4CX, CAT 416C 416D 420D 426C 428C 428D 430D 432D 436C 438C 442D, 312B 312C, M312 M315 M316C M318C M322C, 924G 924GZ 930G, TH103 TH210 TH215 TH62 TH63 TH82 TH83, JCB 2CX[T0] 3CX[T0] 4CX[T0], 411 412 414 416 426 436, JS200W, TM200 TM270, 506 508 520-50/55 525-50 526-55 527-55 528-70 528 530-70/110 532-120 533-105 535-95 537-135 540-70/170 550 550-170
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