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Nr Autos 0291806
Manufacturer no RW-501/11
Producer Prod
Product description

Insulated work gloves coated with rubber. Size: 11.

These gloves have been created to guarantee protection and comfort for the user, also in difficult conditions. Made of high-quality acrylic yarn, which makes them soft and pleasant to the touch. In addition, they have been insulated, thanks to which they maintain the temperature in colder conditions, which allows for comfortable work also in winter. The latex rubber coating with a porous structure gives them exceptional grip. This gives the user firm control over tools and materials, even under adverse conditions. These gloves are abrasion resistant, which means that they maintain their properties after intensive use. They are an ideal solution for people working in various industries, such as construction, gardening or mechanics, where there is a need to protect hands. These gloves are a functional tool that provides both protection and comfort, ideal for tasks that require secure grip, durability and protection from adverse conditions.
