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Nr Autos 0169150
Manufacturer no RW-505 RLCS+
Producer Prod
Product description

Insulated work gloves made of high-quality cowhide. Size: 10.

An excellent choice for professionals who are looking for comfortable and durable protective tools for a variety of tasks. Delicate material ensures comfort of work. The gloves have been insulated from the inside with fleece, which helps to maintain temperature and comfort even in colder conditions. Their full-hand design of the gripping part made of a single piece of leather makes them exceptionally durable and resistant to abrasion. Full leather, including the cuff. These gloves are perfect for drivers who need a secure grip and protection while driving. They are also ideal for mechanical and construction work, where reliable hand protection is essential. Heavy industry will also find the right tool to protect their hands during demanding tasks. Thanks to the high-quality cowhide, insulation, durability and a variety of applications, these gloves are irreplaceable at work, guaranteeing both protection against the cold and against potential dangers.