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Nr Autos 0348928
Manufacturer no RC320B1
Producer Philips
Product description

A handy pocket lamp for everyday use EcoPro20

The Philips EcoPro20 is a compact, portable, rechargeable work lamp that can be conveniently carried in your pocket. It allows hands-free operation, making it ideal for small inspections and everyday tasks. Thanks to it, the work area is well lit, which makes it easier to perform various tasks. Whether you're working in the garage or repairing appliances, this little lamp is extremely useful. Philips EcoPro20 emits bright, comfortable light (6500 K) with a power of 220 lumens (2 W), allowing you to see all the details and finish your work faster. Additionally, the lamp can be used as a power bank to charge other devices, such as a phone, just connect them to the USB port in its base. Once fully charged, the lamp can last for 3.5 hours continuously, and with occasional use, it can last for several days before needing to be recharged.
