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Nr Autos 0348929
Manufacturer no RC420B1
Producer Philips
Product description

EcoPro40 rechargeable handheld lamp

Philips EcoPro40 is a versatile cordless work lamp that stands out for its powerful, bright light, non-slip grip, lightness and a wide range of applications. Thanks to the built-in spotlight, it provides excellent visibility in dark places. Whether you're working in the garage or repairing appliances, having a compact lamp within reach can always come in handy. Philips EcoPro40 emits a powerful 300 lumen (3 W) light output, allowing you to see all the details and get your work done quickly. Additionally, a 100 lumen (1 W) spotlight placed on the top of the lamp illuminates hard-to-reach areas. In situations requiring both hands, the Philips EcoPro40 lamp can be easily mounted on a metal surface thanks to three built-in magnets, making it the perfect tool for working under the sink or under the hood of a car.
