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Nr Autos 0348931
Manufacturer no RC620X1
Producer Philips
Product description

A very slim lamp for small spaces, EcoPro61 Slim

The versatile Philips EcoPro61 Slim lamp, thanks to its very slim design, is perfect for illuminating tight spaces with a 270° rotatable lighting module. It provides a long battery life of up to 20 hours, which allows you to work all day without interruptions. Philips EcoPro61 lamps have a 270° lighting module that allows you to easily direct the light beam, perfectly illuminating small spaces. Very narrow head (1.6 cm wide) eliminates dead spots in the engine or machine. Different tasks require different amounts of light, which is why the Philips EcoPro61 Slim lamp offers three lighting modes. Power mode produces a light output of 500 lumens, allowing you to see the smallest details. If lighting conditions change or you need to save battery power, you can switch to Eco mode with a power of 50 to 250 lumens and use the lamp for up to 20 hours. Additionally, the 6,500 kelvin color temperature of the EcoPro61 Slim model is gentle on the eyes, preventing eye fatigue. This lamp also provides spot lighting with a brightness of 140 lumens, which allows you to see small details even in dark corners. Spot lighting can be used both with the lamp folded and with the lighting module open.