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Child's play - replacing pads in a Haldex disc brake


Replacing the Haldex ModulT disc brake pads is an incredibly simple task - like many others! A damaged or worn caliper or even sliding pins can be replaced quickly and easily in any workshop.

Step-by-step repair of the sliding function of the Haldex ModulT brake.

  • The inverted clamp must be clamped in a vice. Using a hammer and a chisel, remove the caps covering the sliding pins. Caps are not reusable.
  • Using a long 14 mm Allen key (ref. 95233), remove both screws. Screws are not reusable.
  • Remove the yoke from the clamp. Gently rocking the yoke back and forth will help it slide out of the sliding pins and seal bellows.
  • In case of repair of the sliding function; remove the old plain bearings, clean the caliper and insert new plain bearings. Next, install new sliding pins and sealing bellows, then fit the yoke and sliding pin bolts, tightening them to the correct torque. Finally, fit new caps covering the pins. The brake can be fixed back on the axle.
  • When replacing the caliper, follow the same procedure as replacing the sliding pins, but install a new caliper (P/N 95620C/95621C). Clean the original yoke before attaching the new caliper.