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Is investing in an air conditioning service station worth it? We counted it!

Karol Filarski, Dział Wyposażenia Warsztatów Autos

In times when every zloty needs to be carefully looked at from both sides before making a purchase decision, we would like to help you consider the legitimacy of the investment. Let's check after what time the purchase of a device for servicing A/C systems in vehicles will pay off.

Axis you're wasting money at the start. How?

For our calculations, we used the model of the Syberia serie 7 air conditioning service station (A: 233560) , which is currently available for purchase
in our network from PLN 9,500 net.

At the beginning of our calculations, we go with the purchase invoice to the accounting department, where our Chief Accountant has good news for us. Due to the fact that the device has a net value below PLN 10,000 , we can include it in its entirety in the costs of our business. Thanks to this, we are not condemned to several years of depreciation. Effect? We save at least 19% of the value of the station on income tax, which leaves us with PLN 1,805 in our pockets.


We proceed to the next stages of investment settlement with the amount of PLN 7,695 net.


After how many air conditioning services in cars can we say that we have earned its purchase?

The air conditioning service is valued at approx. PLN 200-300 net, depending on whether we perform it in an unauthorized workshop or in the ASO (Authorized Service Station). An additional factor affecting the price of the service is the region of Poland in which we perform it.

In a truck, the minimum amount of refrigerant that we have to replenish after 2-3 years is about 350 g-400 g, on which we will earn after taking into account the costs from PLN 100 to PLN 160 net.

It follows that for each connection of the device to the A/C service, we can gain net PLN 300-460.

Thus, the air conditioning station will pay for itself in the most pessimistic variant after servicing 26 cars. However, in the optimistic variant, even after 17 vehicles (trucks, passenger cars, vans).

In addition, we can offer the customer a fungi removal service, which will result in even faster return on investment. Such a service in the form of connecting an ozonator costs from PLN 60 to PLN 90 net once. Even in the case of an additional investment of PLN 1,000 net (purchase of an ozonator), it seems very profitable.

Device price
PLN 9,500 net
Tax saving
- PLN 1,805 net
Service for 26 vehicles
- 26 x PLN 300 net

You just earned a device!

What doubts can you have before buying a station?

Certainly, you have no experience with A/C systems and it is completely understandable. However, when buying a device in the Autos network, you will receive a package in the form of: training in servicing air conditioning and their operation, and you will be able to use the technical support of our Workshop Equipment and Training Department! In addition, you will receive online training courses prepared by our suppliers dealing with other elements of cooling and air conditioning systems, e.g. Nissens.

However, if you don't have an air conditioning license, it's easy. We will complete all the formalities for you and help you organize the exam at a convenient time
and place.

It should also be remembered that factor turnover should be documented (how much factor you bought, how much you used, etc.). If the formalities related to this are a problem for you, with a bit of diligence and consistency, we can help you sort things out so that sending a report once a year is not a nightmare for you, but a pleasure. Plus, you're in control of your material consumption!

Are you worried about the ubiquitous lack of time for additional services?

It takes up to 10 minutes for a mechanic to service an efficient air-conditioning system! You connect the two station hoses to the system, select the make and model of the vehicle in the device and go back to your work. In 30-45 minutes the station will inform you that it has completed the process! Simple, right?

Which air conditioning station to choose?

Autos are at your service! In our network you will find a wide range of devices that will meet all your needs.

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