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Which compressor should you choose for your workshop?

Karol Filarski, Dział Wyposażenia Warsztatów Autos

Most devices are powered by compressed air, and in fact we cannot imagine working without a compressor in a car workshop. What should we remember when choosing a good compressor and what do we forget about when the compressor is already working in our workshop?

Screw compressor or piston compressor?

If we are interested in a long-term investment and the demand for compressed air in the workshop is large and continuous, we should choose a screw compressor . It will improve work comfort by reducing the noise level. In addition, it will provide more air and will serve us much longer. The heat generated by the compressor can also be used to heat the workshop hall. At this point, we can recommend CompactAir compressors , which are available in the Autos network. Importantly, the devices already have a built-in refrigeration dryer and a filtration set, thanks to which we receive ready, clean and dehumidified air.

If we are interested in a cheaper investment, the compressor is not used that much and we accept the fact that the device will require a break from work from time to time to "cool down", then our needs should be met by a piston compressor .

When choosing a compressor for a workshop, our customers are often guided by the size of the tank, which is a mistake. The purpose of the tank is mainly to stabilize the pressure, it acts as a kind of buffer, but it has no influence on the amount of air that the compressor "produces". Therefore, first of all, we should be interested in the engine power, the amount of air the compressor is able to supply us, and the air pressure we need.

How to choose engine power?

The amount of compressed air supplied at the compressor outlet should cover the demand at peak times. If we add up the air consumption of tools that can be operated at one time, the resulting value should be treated as an indicator of which compressor will be suitable for us. Let's analyze an example. Let's assume that a pneumatic wrench with an air consumption of 200 l/min will be used in the workshop. At the same time, the sandblaster operates and consumes approximately 300 l/min . air. The demand then reaches 500 l/min . air. If we choose a screw compressor, we should look for a device with an exhaust capacity of 500 l/min . If we want to buy a piston compressor for the workshop, we should use a demand multiplier. In this case, it is x2, so the compressor should have a capacity of approximately 1000 l/min .

Once the selected compressor is in our car workshop, we must also watch out for common mistakes such as:

  • too small cross-section of the compressed air distribution system in the workshop (optimally 1" in galvanized steel pipes or alternatively Ø 50 in polypropylene pipes),
  • adjusting the pressure to the device manufacturer's recommendations (pneumatic wrenches 6.2-6.5 bar). Otherwise, too high pressure will destroy the tool,
  • the use of air lubrication points in front of the pneumatic tool, which will significantly extend the life of our pneumatic wrenches and more,
  • in the absence of a dehumidifier, use an air treatment unit.

Break the stereotype, keep the instructions

And most importantly - like most users, we immediately throw the user manual into the trash. However, I encourage you to break away from this stereotype and read the instructions attached to our piston compressor. There you will find very important information: after a few hours of compressor operation, tighten the head bolts with the appropriate torque. We should also pay attention to an important issue - compressor maintenance . Like any piston device, our compressor also requires periodic inspection, replacement of filters and oil. The availability of service and parts should also be taken into account when deciding which compressor to purchase. If you would like to take advantage of our knowledge and are looking for help in selecting a compressor for a car workshop, please contact our Workshop Equipment Department.