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Autos at the Basketball Ball

At the beginning of March this year, a basketball ball was held, i.e. a meeting of Astoria Business Club members. The reception took place in the elegant ballroom of the Park Hotel in Bydgoszcz, which provided an elegant dinner and evening attractions for the invited guests. Among the guests were representatives of local companies that support the team, as well as players who talked about their experiences on and off the pitch. The event was also a great opportunity to present the team's plans and goals for the future and proof that the Astoria Bydgoszcz club not only focuses on achieving sports goals, but also on building a community and relationships with fans and sponsors. The basketball ball was a perfect example of how important it is to build relationships and connect people through sport. Thanks to such initiatives, the team can count on the support and involvement of the local community, which is crucial for success on the pitch. Astoria Bydgoszcz's basketball ball is an event that will remain in the memory of the participants for a long time and will certainly be repeated next year.