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The great premiere of the Autos Calendar 2017, which captures the imagination…

As a distributor of an assortment for commercial vehicles, we work with many customers, and our parts accompany drivers on every route. This was the starting point for the new Autos Calendar for 2017, but apart from the parts themselves, the driver is accompanied by a beautiful girl.

We invite you to the premiere show of the Autos Calendar 2017. A beautiful woman, beautiful staff and a story whose hero can be every truck driver and more. You will find all this on the pages of next year's calendar.

The job of a professional truck driver is not easy and you must really feel it and have a lot of passion to do it. Reflecting on the everyday life of this profession, we decided to spice up this journey a bit and make secret dreams come true.

One girl appears on the calendar's 12 pages, each of which is captured in a different situation. It accompanies the man on the road, gives him support and motivation for further work. Being with him in not always easy everyday life brings a bit of positive confusion to it, who wouldn't dream of such a partner on the road?

It is precisely because of this message that the calendar is different than before, it brings not only beautiful photos, but also tells a story in which anyone who will hold this calendar in their hands can weave their fate. Each month reveals something new to the viewer and provides different - very positive emotions.

The plan of the session was the driver's natural working environment - a truck and a parking lot as a place to rest and prepare for the next journey. The frames reveal everyday life on the road, and at the same time, in a mysterious and very tasteful way, they show the stunning beauty of the model who played the role of a travel companion. The whole concept was perfectly captured by Tomasz Tomkowiak, a photographer from Poznań, who has been working with us on this project for several years. Natalia Piątkowska took care of the selection of appropriate stylizations, and Angelika Nakonieczna made the make-up and hairstyles.

The Autos calendar is created every year with customers in mind and is also intended for them. As in previous years, it is a limited edition, but anyone who would like to have this calendar can get it by following our Facebook profile www.facebook.com/AutosCZESCI .

First competition coming soon!

The 2017 calendar was created in cooperation with sponsors, whose logos are also on its cards, and this year these are the following brands: ATP , Bosch , KS Tools , Monroe Magnum , Frimatec, NRF, Dayco, Bremann , Total, Textar , Exide and BlackIron .