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Nr Autos 0228575
Manufacturer no 1611704
Producer ITR
Product description
PRESSURE SENSOR, CAT 3508 3508B 3512B 3512C 3516B C7 C9 C-9 C-10 C-12 C-15 C-18 ENGINE, CAT 324D/D-FM-L-LN 325D/D-FM-FMLL-L-MH 328D-LCR 329D/D-L-LN 330C/C-FM-L-LN-MH 330D/D-FM-L-LN-MH 336D/D-L/D-LN, D6R XL D6T D7R D7R LGP D7R XR D6R D6R II D6R III D6R LGP D6R STD, 950H 962H 966D 966E 966F 966F-II 994F