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Nr Autos 0348935
Manufacturer no X60UVPIX1
Producer Philips
Product description

Xperion 6000 UV Pillar lamp

The Philips Xperion 6000 UV Pillar is a high-quality, versatile lamp offering several powerful light sources, including UV light, with a high color rendering index (CRI) and long battery life. The "Find My Device" feature allows you to quickly locate your lamp. Equipped with homogeneous LEDs with 100% reliability, it is ideal for various applications, making it easier to see details in poorly lit places and identify discolorations and damage. Philips Xperion 6000 UV Pillar is a solid lighting solution that is perfect for inspection and repair work. The additional UV light makes it easier to detect leaks - just point it at the selected area to locate places requiring repair. Thanks to the high CRI coefficient, the lamp provides natural color reproduction, which is crucial for precise body inspection, painting, polishing, cleaning and surface preparation. A lamp with a high CRI (90 or higher) allows you to easily see color differences, such as scratches in the paint, which is not possible with lamps with a lower CRI, which can distort colors.

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