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Identifying the causes of a leaking radiator: When to repair and when to replace?

In the world of heavy transport, where every minute of downtime translates into financial losses, owners and operators of truck fleets often face a dilemma: leaking radiator - repair or replacement? This is especially important for trucks that are exposed to intensive use and long routes, which significantly increases the risk of radiator problems. On the one hand, an expensive radiator replacement may seem like an excessive expense, especially when your vehicle is older. On the other hand, the repair may not guarantee long-term efficiency and thus lead to further downtime and costs. Today we will present the key aspects that should be taken into account when deciding to repair or replace the radiator in a truck.

Leaking radiator – repair or replacement?

The radiator in your truck plays a key role in ensuring that heat is properly dissipated from the engine, which is essential to keep it running efficiently and safely . When a radiator leak occurs, fleet owners/operators must make a critical decision - whether to repair the damaged component or replace it. This decision has far-reaching consequences, both from an economic and operational point of view. Before deciding what to do when your radiator is leaking, you should assess:

  • technical condition of the parts - it is important to precisely diagnose the causes of the problem and assess whether radiator repair will be a short- or long-term solution;
  • costs – it is important to compare repair costs with replacement costs, taking into account potential vehicle downtime;
  • age and value of the vehicle - the decision should also depend on the age and condition of the vehicle; in older trucks, replacement may not be cost-effective, unlike newer models;
  • availability of spare parts – if it is difficult to access parts, replacement may be the only option;
  • repair and replacement time - in the transport industry, the speed of problem resolution is crucial; replacement is often faster than repair.

Leaking radiator – causes of leakage

Radiator leaks are a serious problem that can lead to engine overheating and other damage . Identifying the causes of a radiator leak is the first step to its effective repair. The most common causes of leakage include:

  • corrosion and wear – one of the most common causes of radiator leakage is corrosion. Wear and tear of materials can lead to holes and cracks, which in turn can contribute to leaks;
  • mechanical damage – radiators may be damaged as a result of collisions and road accidents. Even minor mechanical damage can lead to coolant leaks;
  • damage to gaskets and connections - leaks often appear at the radiator connections with hoses or at the gaskets. This damage may result from natural wear and tear, improper installation or damage caused by external factors;
  • overpressure in the cooling system - excessive temperature or pressure in the cooling system, often caused by a faulty thermostat or radiator cover, can lead to leakage. Overpressure may cause cracks or other damage to the radiator.

Radiator is leaking – what to do?

If your radiator is leaking, the first step is to find the location of the leak. For minor damage, such as small cracks or holes, repair may be the most economical solution. How to seal a leaking radiator? There are radiator repair products on the market that can help with minor leaks. This is a temporary solution, but it may be enough to last until a permanent repair or replacement can be carried out. Our Autos automotive store is a place where you will find a wide selection of TIR parts , including radiators that fit most trucks traveling on the road. Polish roads.