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What should you know when installing additional lighting on your car and want to use it on public roads?


  Due to the time of year, when the days are getting shorter and weather conditions require better lighting, many vehicle owners, including trucks, decide to invest in additional car lighting . Headlights, which improve visibility during long-distance transport, loading, unloading, or cleaning work on the roads, are becoming an important element of equipment.

Additional road lights – regulations and requirements

However, before you decide to install additional lighting in your vehicle, it is worth paying attention to the applicable regulations regarding additional car lighting. Installing additional headlights on a vehicle is possible, but in order for them to be used on public roads, they must meet certain homologation requirements. These requirements are regulated by the UN ECE regulations, which precisely define the number, arrangement and type of lights that can be installed in vehicles . Compliance with these regulations allows for the legal use of additional lighting on public roads.

How to check if a headlight has the appropriate approvals?

The manufacturer of automotive lighting must obtain the appropriate homologation for each lamp intended for use on public roads. On each homologated lamp you will find a description that indicates under what conditions and where the lamp can be mounted. An example is the FERVOR road lamp from WESEM, where the description is located on the glass, or the CRK2-AR LED lamp, where the description is located on the housing. Each of these lamps contains homologation details such as the homologation number, the country of issue (e.g. "20" for Poland) and the type of light (e.g. "R" for road lights).

Approval – what does the symbol mean?

The homologation description on the FERVOR lamp from WESEM looks as follows:

Approval on car headlights is a marking that ensures that the product has passed the appropriate tests and meets safety standards . For example, FERVOR from WESEM has the letter "E" and an approval number (e.g. 1637) on the glass, which means that it meets UN ECE regulations. Lamps with the "R" symbol indicate a high beam, and in the extended version, as in the case of the discussed product "HR", a high beam of a higher class. In turn, the CRK2-AR lamp has the "AR" symbol, which indicates that it is a lamp intended for use in reversing manoeuvres (reversing approval).

What regulations govern the installation of additional headlights?

The installation of additional headlights on trucks must comply with the regulations regarding the arrangement of lights. Vehicles over 12 tonnes may have 3 pairs of road lights , but only 2 pairs may be used on the road at the same time. All additional lights must be mounted at the front of the vehicle and must not restrict visibility or dazzle other drivers. It is also necessary to ensure that the lights have the appropriate number of markings, which can be found in the manufacturer's technical specifications.

Which headlights should I choose?

Depending on your needs, additional lights in your car may differ in power and purpose . In the case of FERVOR headlights from WESEM, two gauge versions are available: 50 and 25. In the version with gauge 50, you can use two headlights at the same time, while in the version with gauge 25, you can install up to four headlights.

In the case of the CRK2-AR lamp designed for reversing manoeuvres, its installation is simpler, because in passenger cars it is mounted individually, while in longer vehicles over 6000 mm it is recommended to install two pieces. In the event that it is necessary to mount four lamps, manufacturers allow such a possibility, provided that the homologation standards are met.

How to connect additional lighting in the car?

Additional high beam regulations are quite detailed, but following them is crucial to be able to safely use additional lighting on the roads. When installing additional lights in a car, remember to check the approval and to properly mount and connect the reflectors. If you want your lighting to be fully legal and effective, take advantage of the offer of high-quality lamps, such as FERVOR and CRK2-AR reflectors from WESEM, which you will find in the offer available on the website.

How to connect additional high beam lights? Installing and connecting additional high beam lights is not a difficult task, but it does require following a few rules. First of all, make sure that the new reflectors are properly attached and that they do not impede the visibility of other drivers. Next, connecting the lighting requires a precise match to the vehicle's electrical system to ensure proper operation of the lights and avoid short circuits.

We encourage you to check out the full range of truck accessories , truck parts and truck lighting that you will find in the Autos store.

WESEM - Polish manufacturer of lighting for cars, agricultural vehicles and slow-moving machines. Products designed and manufactured in Poland skillfully combine modern design trends with the latest technological solutions. Understanding the needs of customers, our own design studio, laboratory and factories allow us to maintain a high standard of manufactured products and thus take care of customer satisfaction. The entire production takes place in Poland. This translates into a shorter delivery time, as well as a certain guarantee.